Saturday, February 5, 2011

How do I start? I don't even know how I got here. Guess I expected everything to work out perfectly, even though it didnt, but now i know- Thats how life is.

It wasnt like I didnt know he was the one. I knew from the moment he walked through the door on November 2, 2006, the day I met him. It was the week before Thanksgiving Break- the first holiday break of the school year and everyone was filled, no, packed and stuffed to the limit, with excitement. The excitement was kinda like the equivalent to driving your very own car for the first time or kissing the hot football player before the game, just as the adrenaline starts to pump-Ohh yah. Nothin tops that kind of excitement. Overall, the class was crazy, and my shy teacher, Mrs. Ross was not exactly in control of all of us 27 kids. The screaming and yelling soon covered up her silent voice calling over us and no one even tried paying attention to all the "settle downs" and "You kids need to behaves". Shortly after the first few minutes of class, which were allready chaotic. Principal Jones walked into the room and after a long loud yell of "Quiet Down", she asked Mrs. Ross for a private conversation outside of the class room.
" Shes gettin canned".
"What?" My 2nd best friend Alice responded to my crude remark in confusion.
"Fired. Principals only take to teachers privately when there are problems with a student or with a teacher."
"Whatever", Alice rolled her big brown eyes and sighed in a melodramatic sort of way.
"That only happens in Matilda. And besides, I bet there's a new student."
"Sure," I didnt want to mess with the matter anymore, "sure Alice. I pray hes the one then." Alice looked at me as if I was from Neptune and lived without Oxygen for a year and came back with a fishtank on my head. Hopefuly that can describe the strange look she gave me without brain disfunction. Anyway, not only moments after I said it, and truely, I was being sarcastic throughout the entire conversation, a boy walked in with Mrs. Ross. If there was ever a time ive ever stared into the eyes of my own soul it was then. He walked into the room like how normal people walk except it seemed as if he was flying, as corny as it sounds. A fifth grade mind can only express so much ya know. So he walked in and I'll say this- I seriously thought the song you had me from hello by Kenny Chesney was about to never did.
"Class, this is Kyser Trent. He will be in our class for the remainder of the year, Trenton would you like to say something."?
The Kyser kid just stood there for a moment. It was absolutely fine with me, until Mrs.Ross told him that his seat would be next to mine. I was intoxicated all week by his presence, as creepy as it sounds. One day after school our mom's met in the parking lot. Thats when the garbage can fell and Kyser(Who I started to call Trent) and I were left to pick it up and start all over. We soon became brother and sister in a figurative sort of way. Lets just say I hated him a majority of the time cause he would tell my secrets to the other kids like how I was the one who put brown glue on Coach Wilson's chair to make it look like he pooped his pants- this got me into trouble. And also, the time he told my mom that the reason why her drink was tangy wasnt from the lemons she put in her drink and that it was yellow because.....nevermind- He was as annoying as Miley Cyrus' song I cant be tamed and it sucked.

1 comment:

  1. Continue? Or should I think of something else. Im trying to get to the mature stuff, but i think im rushing it all to fast. SHould I slow it down a bit? Any thought counts. THanks:)
